Managing Purchase Orders and Suppliers

Once you've been on-boarded into Farfill and given access to Farfill App, follow the guidelines in order to give us

Purchase Orders:

•You can create Purchase Orders (POs) in multiple currencies for stored suppliers.

•Once created, POs can be converted into Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs) for warehouse receipt.

•POs can be split into multiple ASNs, or multiple POs can be merged into a single ASN if they’re grouped for the same delivery.

1. Creating a Purchase Order:

•Make sure you have at least one supplier created and cost prices set for your products.

•To create a PO:

•Go to Purchase Orders and click on Add PO.

•Select the Supplier and enter Shipping Cost if needed.

•You can either toggle Auto Generate PO Reference to ON or enter a PO Reference manually.

•Click Next at the bottom right.

•Add items manually or upload items in bulk via the Upload Items tab.

•Review and update pricing as necessary.

•Click Confirm Purchase Order when everything looks good.

•To print the PO, click Generate Purchase Order PDF.

•To create an ASN from the PO, click Raise PO as ASN, select the required line items, confirm delivery size, estimated delivery date, and click Create ASN.

1.1 Merging Purchase Orders:

•You can merge multiple POs into one delivery, provided the PO hasn’t been converted into an ASN:

•Go to Purchase Orders and click Overview.

•Select the POs to merge.

•Use the Bulk Actions drop-down to select Merge POs and click Go.

2. Creating a Supplier:

•To add a new supplier for POs:

•Go to Purchase Orders, then Supplier.

•Click New Supplier.

•Select the Client it relates to.

•Enter supplier details and contact information.

•Set it to Active and click Update.

3. Adding Cost Prices:

•It’s a good idea to have cost prices set for all your products.

3.1 Adding Cost Prices Individually:

•To add cost prices one by one:

•Go to Products and then Overview.

•Find the product, click Actions, then Edit.

•Click the Pricing & Size tab and enter a Cost Price.

•Click Save.

3.2 Adding Cost Prices in Bulk:

•To add cost prices in bulk:

•Go to Products, then Extras.

•Click Upload Products.

•Download the template if needed.

•Fill out the CSV with the stock code (SKU) and cost price.

•Choose the Client and Warehouse.

•Select the file and click Upload.